Keeping Up With The Kardashians is a reality television show featuring the lives of the Kardashian/Jenner family and the drama that follows them in their socialite lifestyle. The show has been named the 'mother of all reality shows' due to its 7 year run (at this moment) and the family has signed the biggest paid contract in reality television history of $40 million dollars for a run until 2015. The show has been an international success for its audience and has created a worldwide brand - the Kardashian brand that in 2011 it was reported to be worth $65 million dollars and the show has created worldwide fame for the family - specifically Kim, Kourtney & Khloe Kardashian. The family has been a story of success for the tabloids as most magazines sell more if a Kardashian is on the cover but the lies often result in the sisters publicly slandering the magazine - whether is be by public statement or Kim Kardashians $10,000 tweets.
The show is relate-able to the audience because primarily it is a show based around a family. But mainly this show is extremely entertaining due to the clashes the family engages in but also how each of the dubbed 'cast' has their own out of this world personality. Situations in the show have been critisised for some of its scenes as some people view them as 'manufactured and staged' like Kim's 72 day wedding to basketball 'star' Kris Humphries but the family and Kim have honestly said how it is a reality show, they are followed by cameras for approximately 7 hours a day and the relationship wasn't staged. The aspect of reality in the Kardashian shows are real and the family has completely opened their lives to the viewing public and world - for example the birth of Kourtneys two children Penelope & Mason and also the pregnancy struggles that Khloe faces. Although the family has been catipulted into instant stardom it has not changed their overall message that family is the most important thing in life. The network has shown various spinoffs documenting the sisters expanding their DASH store - opening them in major cities like New York & Miami. All of the shows are instant hits in the ratings as the family has become a statement of reality TV stardom currently unmatched by any other celebrity, It is currently filming its 9th season and sets to continue to showcase the meteoric rise of the Kardashian/Jenner family.
The show is relate-able to the audience because primarily it is a show based around a family. But mainly this show is extremely entertaining due to the clashes the family engages in but also how each of the dubbed 'cast' has their own out of this world personality. Situations in the show have been critisised for some of its scenes as some people view them as 'manufactured and staged' like Kim's 72 day wedding to basketball 'star' Kris Humphries but the family and Kim have honestly said how it is a reality show, they are followed by cameras for approximately 7 hours a day and the relationship wasn't staged. The aspect of reality in the Kardashian shows are real and the family has completely opened their lives to the viewing public and world - for example the birth of Kourtneys two children Penelope & Mason and also the pregnancy struggles that Khloe faces. Although the family has been catipulted into instant stardom it has not changed their overall message that family is the most important thing in life. The network has shown various spinoffs documenting the sisters expanding their DASH store - opening them in major cities like New York & Miami. All of the shows are instant hits in the ratings as the family has become a statement of reality TV stardom currently unmatched by any other celebrity, It is currently filming its 9th season and sets to continue to showcase the meteoric rise of the Kardashian/Jenner family.
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