New Girl is an American sitcom based around the lives of four roommates living in an apartment and all of the hilarious events that occur from this. The show is often described as a distant spinoff as the pop culture phenomenon Friends as it has a similar format and style, with a group of twenty somethings living in an apartment trying to figure out their personal and professional lives. The show overall receives highly positive criticism due to the comedy value and relate-ability of each of the situations - like heartbreak & redundancy. The cast also demonstrate that they were born for these roles; like the character of Jess is played perfectly by Zooey Deschanel due to her quirkiness & positivity. Which contrasts with Jake Johnson's broody character of Nick Miller and how the two dynamics clash which makes for hilarious television.
The show represents different dynamics positively by not discriminating against any race/rel
igion or sexuality. This is often shown through the characters whether they be primary or secondary characters - for example Jess' friend Sadie is a lesbian but has a high power job of being a doctor. It shows that just because you are a certain race or sexual preference does not and should not discriminate of what career you allowed to take. Religion also plays a big part of this show of having two different religious beliefs and bring together different cultures in order to create comedy but also inform you about different beliefs. Specifically Judaism & Hinduism are focussed on with Schmidt (right) is jewish and works in a respectable marketing company and has a strong career. Hinduism is focussed on more in season 2 when Cece (right) decides to have an arranged marriage in order to have children, she is of indian heritage and again is represented positively due to her job as a model but also how she is confident, intelligent and also headstrong. Finally the character of Winston is also represented positively due to his incredible wit and humour and how although he is seen as an outcast, he still delivers one liners that ultimately make a scene - he works at his dream job at a sports radio and the show highlights his ambition of one day having his own show.
As I actually watch the show itself, I identified the different representations of the characters easily as the show deliberately encourages you to be yourself and is shown through the characters. It does not discriminate against any religion, race or sexual preference by including all types of people and often giving these people successful careers and high comedic content. New Girl also subtly brings different types of people together to promote the idea of equality and how acceptance is key. Overall New Girl has a positive influence over people because of the message it is trying to promote in an entertaining way, it is obviously successful as the show gets high rating and has been commissioned for a third season.